Company Description
Kelowna Optometry is a trusted and professional eye care provider located at 2271 Harvey Ave #1125, Kelowna, BC. We specialize in providing exceptional optometric care services to our patients. Our team of optometric physicians are well-experienced and equipped with the latest tools and techniques to offer comprehensive eye exams, and diagnose and treat eye diseases. At Kelowna Optometry, our goal is to improve your vision and ensure that you have the best possible eye health. With our state-of-the-art facilities and sophisticated technology, we are committed to providing high-quality eye care services that are tailored to suit our patients' individual needs. Give us a call today on 2509800111 or visit our website at http://www.kelownaoptometry.com/ to book an appointment.
Products & Services
Latest tools and techniques for eye care , High-quality eye care services tailored to individual needs , Direct Bill Health Insurance , Dry eye , Contact Lens , Red Eye , State-of-the-art facilities for eye care , Eye emergencies , vision care , Exceptional optometric care services , Diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases , Comprehensive Eye Exams
Reviews and Recommendations