Company Description
Kettle Valley Kids OT is a top-notch occupational therapy provider in Kelowna, BC. Our team of licensed occupational therapists is dedicated to helping children improve their overall development and quality of life. With our clinics located at 376 Trumpeter Ct, Kelowna, BC, we provide a range of services for children with various disabilities and challenges. We offer individualized treatment plans, assessment and diagnosis, and therapy sessions aimed to develop, improve and reinforce learning, emotional regulation and sensory processing skills. Contact us today at 7789310689 or visit our website kvkidsot.ca to book an appointment and learn more about our services.
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Products & Services
Occupational Therapy , Individualized treatment plans , Therapy sessions for developing, improving and reinforcing learning, emotional regulation and sensory processing skills , Pediatric Occupational Therapy Services , In-clinic vs. out-of-clinic services , Assessment and diagnosis
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