Company Description
Find a local Jiffy Lube for car maintenance & servicing. From oil changes to tire rotations, the Jiffy Lube® highly trained technicians help keep you out of the repair shop and on the road.
Products & Services
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Frequently asked questions about Jiffy Lube
What days are Jiffy Lube open?
Jiffy Lube is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Jiffy Lube
Other Locations
Open Hours
- Monday08:00AM - 06:00PM
- Tuesday08:00AM - 06:00PM
- Wednesday08:00AM - 06:00PM
- Thursday08:00AM - 06:00PM
- Friday08:00AM - 06:00PM
- Saturday08:00AM - 06:00PM
- Sunday10:00AM - 04:00PM