Company Description

Dunton Aviation is a professional aviation consultancy firm located at 1504 Pinehurst Crescent, Kelowna, BC. With a wealth of industry experience, our team of expert aviation consultants provides comprehensive and tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of clients. Our services encompass a wide range of areas, including aircraft selection and acquisition, regulatory compliance, safety management systems, operational efficiency improvement, and aviation project management. We strive to partner with airlines, airports, and other aviation organizations to enhance their performance and guide their growth through meticulous analysis, strategic planning, and innovative solutions. Clients can rely on our knowledge, expertise, and profound understanding of the aviation industry to achieve their objectives effectively. For more information, visit our website at or contact us at 2508697941 or

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Dunton Aviation

1504 Pinehurst Crescent Kelowna, BC
(250) 869-7941