Company Description

Canada House Kelowna is a reputable business located at 1131 Lawson Ave Suite 2, Kelowna, BC. We offer exceptional clinic services to cater to the diverse healthcare needs of our esteemed clients. With a team of skilled and experienced medical professionals, we strive to deliver high-quality care and ensure the well-being of our patients. Our range of services includes comprehensive health assessments, diagnosis, treatment plans, and follow-up consultations. We are committed to providing a comfortable and welcoming environment where our clients can receive personalized care in a timely manner. At Canada House Kelowna, we prioritize the health and satisfaction of our patients, and we are dedicated to promoting a healthier community. For inquiries or to book an appointment, please call us at 5875216409.

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Canada House Kelowna

1131 Lawson Ave Suite 2 Kelowna, BC
(587) 521-6409