Company Description

The GOAT Barbers is a premier barbershop located at 235 Rutland Rd N, Kelowna, BC. With our team of skilled and experienced barbers, we offer a wide range of services to cater to every grooming need. From classic haircuts to trendy styles, our barbers are dedicated to providing top-notch service to our clients. Whether you want a clean shave or a beard trim, we have got you covered. Our friendly and welcoming atmosphere coupled with the latest tools and techniques ensure a satisfying experience for every client. Give us a call at 6044999277 to book an appointment and let our barbers work their magic on you. Experience grooming at its best with The GOAT Barbers.

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The GOAT Barbers

235 Rutland Rd N Kelowna, BC
(604) 499-9277