Company Description

Little Climbers Childcare is a trusted daycare facility located at 3261 McGinnis Rd, West Kelowna, BC. With a dedicated team of experienced professionals, we provide comprehensive and reliable childcare services. We prioritize the safety and well-being of children, offering a nurturing and stimulating environment for their growth and development. Our services include age-appropriate activities, creative learning programs, and nutritious meals. At Little Climbers Childcare, we strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where children can explore, learn, and thrive. Contact us at 6048180827 or visit our website at for more information.

Products & Services

Age-Appropriate Activities ,   Childcare Services ,   Nutritious meals ,   Creative Learning Programs  

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Little climbers childcare

3261 McGinnis Rd West Kelowna, BC
(604) 818-0827