Company Description

Vital Energy Healing is a premier massage therapy business located at 3115 Reimche Rd in Lake Country, BC. With a passion for restoring balance and promoting wellbeing, our skilled and dedicated massage therapists provide a wide range of services to cater to each individual's unique needs. Whether you are seeking relaxation, pain relief, or stress reduction, our team is committed to utilizing various massage techniques to ensure the highest level of client satisfaction. At Vital Energy Healing, we prioritize your physical and mental health, offering personalized treatments that aim to revitalize your body, mind, and spirit. Contact us at 2502123644 to book an appointment and experience the transformative power of therapeutic massage.

Products & Services

Pain Relief ,   Massage Therapy ,   Therapeutic massage ,   Relaxation ,   Stress Reduction  

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Vital Energy Healing

3115 Reimche Rd Lake Country, BC
(250) 212-3644