Osoyoos, BC

Table Of Contents

Osoyoos is the southernmost town in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley between Penticton and Omak. The city is located 2.2 mi (3.6 km) north of the United States-Washington border and borders the Osoyoos Indian Reserve.

Osoyoos, BC Cost Of Living

The 100-point national average serves as the basis for the cost of living index. A cost of living of 90, for instance, is 10% less than the national average. A 110% cost of living is 10% higher than usual.

Osoyoos' cost of living is 25% less than the average in British Columbia.

Osoyoos' cost of living is 8% less than the national average.

Housing costs in Osoyoos are 39% less than the national average.

Osoyoos, BC Cost Of Living

Official website: https://www.osoyoos.ca/

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