Our website contains more than 12,000 local businesses from different cities across Okanagan. Every day we connect hundreds of users from Vernon, Kelowna, Kamloops, Penticton and other cities with trusted local businesses in their region. We regularly update okanagan-local.ca to provide the most recent information about businesses in Okanagan.
Okanagan Local in numbers
Okanagan Local is owned by Leading Local. Leading Local has more than 50 printed directories across the US and Canada and online directories that can be accessed anywhere.
Kelowna is the gateway to the stunning Okanagan Valley. The area offers hotels, wineries, restaurants, and events year round.
Vernon is the commercial hub of the North Okanagan, found nestled in the grassland hills and surrounded by three lakes.
Kamloops is a city for every season. A place where you skip the crowds, stretch your legs and just escape to the unexpected.
A place to stay forever! Nestled between two lakes, Penticton enjoys long, hot summers, dry winters and more than 2000 hours of sunshine each year.
Osoyoos is Canada's desert and home to the warmest Lake in Canada - Osoyoos Lake. Immerse yourself in our valley of stunning beauty with unlimited vistas. /p>
Summerland is an unique and special place located in a region of BC renowned worldwide as a great place to visit and even a better place to live.